Month: January 2010
Heavy Arithmetic 2010
Good Job James 2010
Thats what the teacher is writing on James paper, say what you want about the little trouble maker but he is a smart kid. The teacher wrote that James had a fantastic day in school today so once again he got to play his Scooby Doo game, and when he was finished, he and Dad put together the Scooby Doo puzzle he got the other day with his Christmas money. We then played with the learning game he got for Christmas and then he helped me scan his homework as we went over it.
I watched him play the Scooby Doo game and noticed that James has to buy things and save up money (or Scooby Snacks) to pay for things, perhaps thats why he did so well his first time out buying things. He had been practicing with the Scooby Doo game.
James Shopping Spree 2010
My sister Peg and I took James to Target so he could spend his Christmas money from Uncle Bill. James went right to the videos and bought a Scooby Doo movie and Scooby Doo puzzle which did not really surprise me, what did surprise me was he went to the food section of the store and spent the rest on snacks that we usually do not have in the house – Doritos, Oreo Cookies, Ice Cream and pizza.
We have been keeping pretty healthy food in the house such as apples, oranges, pears, rice cakes, etc that we have for snacks, I guess James is putting us on notice that we wants a bit more variety in his diet from the 5 kid food groups -cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza and candy (his Aunt bought him a Valentine Day sucker to complete the entree).
James Finishes Week On A High Note 2010
James had a great day in school today, both discipline wise and smarts wise. He was allowed to play his Scooby Doo game and he was ecstatic. James did very good on all his work sheets, in fact most were perfect scores. We scanned some of his school work and then james ran off to play more Scooby. In fact, he is playing it while I am doing this, but have no fear, he will see this post shortly, we always review his schoolwork whether we post it on the internet or not, but he enjoys reviewing it online better.
I snapped this picture of James in his glory, good day at school and everyone is happy. Michigan is pretty well dug out from yesterdays snow and the area looks quite picturesque.
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The First Big Snowstorm 2010
We have been dodging the bullet for some time now, but today we finally got hit with an actual snowstorm, 3-6 inches which made driving a little rough today.
James made it home from school fine, and he did well on his schoolwork, however the teacher said he had a “challenging” day which means to us there was a discipline issue so he was banned from playing his video game today. He understood and did not protest, hopefully he will learn his lesson.
James and I went over his schoolwork, he worked on several letters and identified properly the drawings on each. We then took out the staples from the papers and scanned them. James helped by stapling the papers back together. He was a perfect little gentleman and worked the stapler part of the project perfectly. We’ll work on his train track tonight then maybe watch a little television. Hopefully there is school tomorrow, should be, the snow has stopped for now.
James Returns To School After Christmas Break 2010
James had a big day today, returning to school after a 2 week layoff. His teacher said he had a great day (in the past, some of James’ return to school after long lay offs were not as good). We checked his schoolwork and everything looked complete so we gave James congrats then let him have some of his candy from the holidays and play Scooby Doo on the video game.
James did a couple of projects over the weekend. He made 2010 robots, his new invention that will replace the calendar some day. He also made a calendar for the whole year, took him a couple hours for a couple days but he did finish it and is using it. We have added pics of these to this post (you have to click read rest of entry to see the pics on any of these posts)
A good day at school for James, Yeah! We are hoping that posting his work on the website will make him strive to do better, only time will tell if it works but we’re going to try it.
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Johnathons Roller Skating Birthday party 2010
James got invited to a birthday party for one of his classmates, Johnathon, and it was at the Lincoln Park skating center on Southfield. James had a blast and fell down more times than I care to count, but each time he smiled and got right back up. The theme for the party was Spiderman and each child got a goodie bag including a mask.
We will have to remember the skating rink for James birthday instead of Caesars and Applebees, it was really well done.
Mom and Dad also donned the skates but fortunately there was no one around to photograph us, at least we hope.
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Happy New Year 2010
Hope that everyone had a safe and happy New Year. Just thought that I should make a few general comments about 2009 while it is still fresh in my head.
It really comes as no surprise to anyone that this has not been a banner year for Detroit and Michigan. High unemployment rate, high foreclosure rate, and low property value. The Red Wings losing a 3-2 lead in the Stanley Cup Finals, and the Tigers blowing a 3 game lead with 4 games left were actually high points in a terrible sports season which saw the Lions become the first 0-16 winless team back in January, and a second losing season for the Michigan Wolverines football team. The Piston Iverson experiment did not fare well either. An attempted terrorist attack Christmas Day on a flight bound for Detroit finished off a year that I am sure many would like to forget or start anew.
However if there is one thing I know about this town and state, it always lands on its feet. I know for a fact that industries are bringing back laid off employees after the holidays because of the work load increase, which should help the economy and bring back the property values. And as for terrorist attacking us, let me say just this… Detroit was known as the “Arsenol of Democracy” during WW2, we took on Hitler, Nazi’s, and Emperors and we are still standing, they aren’t.
Hopefully this will be a banner year for us, we certainly could use one. Here’s a few pics of the Motor City.