Christmas 2009

Thanks to everyone in the family for all the Christmas gifts for James, believe it or not he played with all of them, took him a couple days to do it, but he did. He has been playing a Scooby Doo video game and is really getting good at it. He has already used most of his tattoos and completed his first 100 piece puzzle. He has been practicing with a plastic harmonica but I don’t think he quite has that down yet, but the dogs in the neighborhood love it. The picture to the right of this is James putting in the final piece of his 100 piece puzzle the day after Christmas.

Thanks again to all for making it such a great time for James. Special thanks to Aunt Peg, Aunt Chris, Uncle Bill, and Grandma for the wonderful gifts that they sent to James.

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What Happened to the Breakfast of Champions 2009

Mary found this cereal at the store and immediately bought it so we could have fun with it at another one of our sites, Curse of Bobby Layne. We got James to pose with the box of cereal (we didn’t actually give him any to eat, we were afraid he might start losing things the way the Lions lose games) with a curious look on his face and posted it on the website. We thought some of you might be curious what we do as a family on those cold wintry days in Detroit. We also decorated on of our Halloween skeletons as a vendor at Ford field when the Lions blacked out their game right before Christmas because no one was showing up at the stadium.

James is a big football fan and we play almost every Sunday. If we go outside he likes to kick field goals and if we play inside we use the nerf ball. However the Lions have been so bad that he has no idea of what a winning football team is like and its hard to get him interested in the Lions, but he does like the game of football.