Magic Capitol 4th of July Parade 2009

Our annual trek to Colon Michigan for the 4th of July Parade came about, and once again James had a blast. We did not take as many pics this time so we could enjoy the fun. It was not as hot as last year but still quite warm, plenty of water was distributed to the spectators lining the street before and during the Parade.

James certainly loves the parade but probably the highlight of his day (just like last year) came at the dunk tank. James just had a blast throwing balls at the guy in the dunk tank, and when he fell into the water he would laugh and laugh. I was so entertained by the event I did not even think about getting out the camera, oh well. Needless to say, a fun time was had by all including the parents.

If you ever are looking for something different to do on the 4th, give the little town of Colon Michigan a try.

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