Nashville Tennessee 2009

Mary, James, and I visited Tennessee to see how everyone was doing. It takes us about 9 or 10 hours to get here but its a nice drive, lots of landmarks along the way help pass the time, as well as James wanting to stop at almost every tourist trap he sees.

The photos were taken at the West Meade nursing home where James Grandfather Howard, resides. The folks who run this nursing home are great and the deserve all the praise we can give them. I also got to visit my cousin who is in the same nursing home, she is doing very well. What an incredible coincidence that a member from each side of our little family would end up in the same nursing home. It is indeed a small world after all.

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Sea Shell City 2009

We always stop at Sea Shell City on the way home from Mackinaw. Its about 10 minutes south of Mackinaw and James loves to play pirate on the boat out front. This gives Mary a perfect chance to shop in peace since I am usually with James while he plays on the boat. I think thats why so many of our funny t-shirts have comes from here.

Its always on the way home that we stop at Sea Shell City, it makes the end of vacation a little easier having this to look forward to. It also usually gives us one more chance to buy that perfect souvenir of our vacation, as if the car full of bags of souvenirs and “stuff” is not enough.

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Mackinaw Island State Park 2009

James was very good for this trip, and he still likes to ride in the wagon for much of the journey through the state park. This is actually our second wagon, the first was a gift from Criss and wore out because it was used so much. Now that he’s older he doesn’t need the wagon as much, but still takes advantage of it, especially on steep slopes upward.

All in all James did great this visit, he is beginning to get familiar with the surroundings now and is building on past trips to Mackinaw. Since we live in the suburbs, it is difficult to have strolls in the wood that last for hours like we can at Mackinaw Island.

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Magic Capitol 4th of July Parade 2009

Our annual trek to Colon Michigan for the 4th of July Parade came about, and once again James had a blast. We did not take as many pics this time so we could enjoy the fun. It was not as hot as last year but still quite warm, plenty of water was distributed to the spectators lining the street before and during the Parade.

James certainly loves the parade but probably the highlight of his day (just like last year) came at the dunk tank. James just had a blast throwing balls at the guy in the dunk tank, and when he fell into the water he would laugh and laugh. I was so entertained by the event I did not even think about getting out the camera, oh well. Needless to say, a fun time was had by all including the parents.

If you ever are looking for something different to do on the 4th, give the little town of Colon Michigan a try.

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