Mothers Day Caring For The Graves 2009

Photos of the Kleiber Graves at Memorial cemetery in Michigan. Kleibers, Grafs, and Dunbergers are buried here in various parts of the cemetery.

James enjoys handling the water detail and as we put flowers in all the vases, James comes by and fills then up with water.

We usually visit the cemetery on Memorial Day and Mothers Day (depending on weather). In fact, our Mothers day tradition is going to a Chinese restaurant not far the cemetery, good weather or bad. We do postpone the cemetery flowers if the weather is bad on mothers day and then make it up on Memorial day.

The weather was great and the graves look pretty good for Mothers day.

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Fathers Day Surprise 2009

What a surprise I had today, James came home and had several crafts that he had made for Fathers day. There was a key holder, and pictures of him making the key holder out of wood. What a surprise. James showed us the card he made as well, it had a picture of him holding a happy Fathers day sign.

Thanks James

Greenfield Village 2009

Thomas the train came to Greenfield village for a day and boy did James have fun getting to ride on Thomas. Tickets for this event had to be purchased weeks in advance despite having a subscription to the Henry Ford. The train actually looked exactly like Thomas does.

For those who do not know Thomas, its a kids show based on trains at a train station and was narrated by the late George Carlin (yes, the same guy who gave us 7 words you cannot say on TV doing a kids show, and to be honest he was pretty good at it). Its not really a cartoon, more like stop motion animation.

While riding the train is never a disappointment and James loved his ride, you really can’t tell that you are on a Thomas train. You really need to be outside to see Thomas’ face and eyes move. James was happy and that is all that counts.

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Greenfield Village Magic Show 2009

James got to see a magic show at Greenfield village, he’s in Colon MI alot (the magic capital of the world) so its not unusual for James to watch a magic trick. This was the same day that Thomas was in town so needless to say it was a very big day for James.

The magician was great and floated a spectator at the end (or suspended the spectator if thats a better way of saying it). James sat through the whole thing and this was on a day when Thomas the Train was circling the park so you know it had to be good to keep any kids attention.

We will be riding Thomas later in the day, you have to schedule your time in advance.

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