Nashville Flea Market 2006

This is Marys favorite flea market in the whole world, we scheduled our trip to Nashville so that we would arrive in time for the Nashville Flea Market. My understanding is one of the driving forces behind the flea market was an ancestor of Mary’s. The Flea Market is huge and you have to walk up a big hill to get to it so if you decide you want to go, be sure to bring your hiking shoes.

Even though it was September it was still very hot. Some of the buildings are air conditioned while others are not but at least you could take a break from the heat if you wanted to. The only charge for the flea market was for parking so it was well worth the trip.

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Dinosaur World Kentucky 2006

A couple great tourist stops in Kentucky, the Kentucky Cave and the Dinosaur Park are among about a dozen tourist traps in this area. Theres also a haunted house and quilt outlet so you know we had to stop. James is a big dinosaur fan (he pronounces it “dino-hore” which leads to humorous situations with clerks, asking for their dino-hore location).

We really enjoyed the Dinosaur Park, it had everything you could imagine as far as dinosaurs. We took a stroll through the park and their had to be at least a 100 (probably more) dinosaurs lurking there and some of them were huge. There was also a dinosaur theatre and a fossil dig along with a dinosaur play area which James took advantage of. About 2 hours north of Nashville, it makes a nice first rest stop for the trip home to Michigan.

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