Mackinaw Island 2006

We really enjoy going to this island, the earlier the better. We try to get there before 8am because we pretty much have the whole island (and boat ride) to ourselves. The only people on the boat with us are people who work at the stores on the island. We go up the big hill, past the big Fort, and straight into the State park part of Mackinaw. It always reminds me of the trek Dorothy took to get to the witches castle before the flying monkeys got them. A forest full of mystery and landmarks all over. Three graveyards are here as well, a Protestant one, a Catholic one, and a Military one. Most of the graves here are well over a hundred years old.

There is also Skull Cave, Arch Rock, and a scenic view that simply cannot be captured with a camera. In the city you have the Grand Hotel which was the setting for the movie “Somewhere in Time” with Christopher Reeve.

There are no automobiles allowed on the island for transportation. You must walk, ride a horse, ride in a horse drawn carriage, or ride a bicycle. There is a small airport on the island, it is a good hike to get to but we have done it so its possible. However why come all this way to see a small airport?

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Mackinaw City 2006

Every spring we make a trek up north to the straits of Mackinaw and go to the State Park on the Island. Mackinaw is spelled two different ways and both are correct, sometimes you see it as Mackinac, sometimes as Mackinaw. This is due to being occupied by both the French and British who had different spellings for the name.

An obvious strategic location along the great lakes, Mackinaw is littered with history including forts, military graves, indian burial grounds, and one of the largest suspension bridges in the world which joins the upper and lower peninsula’s of Michigan.

We had a special treat this year, on the ferry back from the island we drove under the bridge which is something that usually is not allowed. There was a VIP on board which is why they did it, who the VIP was I have no idea.

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