Easter 2006

This was James third Easter and he had so many different things to play with I think he got Easter confused with Christmas. A great time was had by all and the weather was so nice that James could go outside and play if he wanted to.

We had a mini Easter egg hunt for him, something we are always prepared to do but rarely due because the weather can be pretty unfriendly in Michigan even as late as April and May. However this year the weather delivered and James had his Easter egg hunt.

The picture with the Easter bunny was taken about a week or so before Easter at the Fairlane mall. It was taken after the Elmo meeting so as far as James was concerned the Easter bunny was anti-climatic. He wouldn’t be saying that if he knew who was bringing him his baskets and it sure ain’t Elmo but who am I to question the wisdom of a 2 year old.