Month: April 2004
Easter 2004
Mary had an appointment for a few hours at the hair stylists, so I took James to the mall where he met the Easter Bunny for the first time. James was real good, letting the strange looking giant bunny hold him, I thought he might be afraid (I know I would be if I saw a 6 foot bunny coming after me).
When we picked up Mom she was looking great with her new hair style, and she loved the picture of James, wondering how we got him to sit long enough to take the picture, lol. “That was all James’ doing” I told her. James when awake is always doing something, I have a feeling he is going to be a bit of a trouble maker because of his curiosity, sort of like that monkey show, curious George, who is always getting in trouble.
But we wouldn’t have him any other way.
Later on in the week we had a nice quiet Easter at home, and James got presents from the Easter bunny and his Aunts which he enjoyed playing with. James is drinking out of tommy tippy cups now, he seems to have the hang of it pretty good. This should make things easier for us in the summer rather than lugging that bottle bag around with us.