James Expressions 2003

We took these pictures when James was around 4 months old, he showed many different expressions then. Its the middle of winter here in Michigan so there is not a whole lot for a 4 month old to do. He keeps himself entertained pretty well with the toys and stuff so he seems content.

According to the baby book, most of the smiles and expressions come from babies having gas, but how would they know that? I am sure once the winter ends and we start going places that he will have a blast and it won’t be because of gas.

At least he has expressions and is not crying all the time.

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Christmas 2003

This was James first Christmas and because of that it was probably my favorite one of all. A quiet but fun time at home with the newborn. James seemed to enjoy the atmosphere and all the presents, he played with some, other were for when he gets older. Its kind of tough shopping for a newborn, most of the toys say 6 months and up but Idgie and Lucy helped him look over his gifts and I am sure they would be happy to show him how to play with them.

He seems to genuinely like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and the Bumble snow monster. I remember being scared of the Bumble when I first saw Rudolph.

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