Day: October 2, 2003
James First Week Fun 2003
Up until this point in my life I had never changed a diaper. With Mary still stinging from surgery I knew that I would have to learn how sooner or later so I asked one of the nurses to show me.
Mary had everything we needed at home, diapers, wipes, toys, bassinets, playpen, you name it she had it so we were pretty well prepared. I had taken time off from work to give her a hand with the baby and assist her too. We have a Baptism coming up in about a month so hopefully I will get a video of that and upload it to the site (or at least put it on youtube for those who can’t attend. James’ God Parents are Kevin who is a past Grand Knight at the K of C, and Renee, who will miss the ceremony because she is serving in Iraq.
The pics of the store are Jame’s first venture outside of the house, we went shopping at K-Marts and he “tagged along” so to speak.