James Baptism 2003

What a perfect day for a baptism, the event began at St. Albert the Great Church. Aunt Peg, Aunt Criss, and Aunt Louise were all in attendance as was James God Father PGK/PFN Kevin Ames. James’ God Mother (Cousin Renee) was in Iraq at the time and could not make it. Afterward we had a great party at house with the “little friends” downstairs watching the Lions football game (they lost) and most of the relatives and James upstairs in the living room. The event was 5 days before Halloween so there were lots of Halloween decorations in the house and we also had a Halloween Baptism cake along with the traditional white Baptism cake. Great day till the Lions lost.

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Greenfield Village & Henry Ford Museum 2003

James was only a few weeks old when we took him to the museum and village. It was a beautiful sunny day and the doctors suggested to give him as much sunlight as possible before winter sets in. James had jaundice when he was born and the best thing for that is being out in the sunlight.

With Fall and Winter rapidly approaching it would seem we better get him as much sunlight as possible because he certainly won’t get much in the harsh Michigan winter. The people at the gate said James was the youngest visitor they have had in weeks.

Below is a video of James growing up from stroller to toddler at Greenfield Village.

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James Meets Aunt Louise 2003

We were on our way to Elizabeth Park when we thought we would see if Aunt Louise was available. I checked her room and she had just gotten back from bingo, so we went outside and introduced James to her. Aunt Louise and James hit it off right away! The weather was spectacular considering it was a fall day, enough of summer left to keep things nice.

Although my mother never had the chance to meet James, having him meet Aunt Louise made a nice tie in to my Mothers generation. Hopefully next week we can get out to Patty Lou’s and see Aunt Cil.

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Elizabeth Park 2003

Elizabeth Park is one of the prettiest parks around and we were hoping for a nice day before the end of the year to take James to it. Unfortunately, his response to the park was the same as Greenfield Village as he slept most of the walk.

Lots of fond memories of Elizabeth Park. We used to have family reunions here and later when I would go fishing with my friends we would launch the boat from Elizabeth Park (then usually travel downriver to Portofino’s and drink beer). I rode my first horse here and I would imagine that james will ride his first horse here too.

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James First Week Fun 2003

Up until this point in my life I had never changed a diaper. With Mary still stinging from surgery I knew that I would have to learn how sooner or later so I asked one of the nurses to show me.

Mary had everything we needed at home, diapers, wipes, toys, bassinets, playpen, you name it she had it so we were pretty well prepared. I had taken time off from work to give her a hand with the baby and assist her too. We have a Baptism coming up in about a month so hopefully I will get a video of that and upload it to the site (or at least put it on youtube for those who can’t attend. James’ God Parents are Kevin who is a past Grand Knight at the K of C, and Renee, who will miss the ceremony because she is serving in Iraq.

The pics of the store are Jame’s first venture outside of the house, we went shopping at K-Marts and he “tagged along” so to speak.

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