Christmas 1995

Our Christmas Party is now in its sixth year and has really become a bit of a tradition. This year we have had neighbors and friends over for multiple little parties before the big party on Christmas.

As usual, Mom cooked a huge meal and had two choices of main entree’s which was unique to me. Usually its ham, turkey, or roast beef. At this party we generally have two of the three and sometimes all three. Turkey gets the lowest preference since it is more a Thanksgiving meal.

This is the first year without my father, who past away earlier in the summer. Although he never came down to join the party (he was physically unable to but probably would not even if he was, he enjoyed people coming to see him and showing off his big screen tv). Because he pretty much lived in the living room with a medical bed and such, we began the party downstairs. Now that he passed we are going to continue having the party in the basement since we have more or less designed it around the basement.

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