Day: September 7, 1981
James Dad Goes To Korea 1981
There is a little chronological order to these pics, the first two are from graduation at Ft Devens Massachusetts, after a flight to Detroit the next 3 pics are being sent off from Metro to St Louis, where the Spirit of St Louis and big polar bear reside at their airport. The next flight was to LA then onto Japan. A hop skip and jump later it was Second Division Korea for the next year (and next 70 pictures). Most of the time Chuck worked at second division but did earn a trip to Che Ju Do Island, a beautiful paradise off the southern tip of the Korean penninsula. While there he was trained in repelling down cliffs which was a whole lot of fun.
Also toward the end of the photo gallery are pictures of James Dad returning home after a one year tour of Korea (and two promotions later).
Charles served at Second Division which was located about 10-15 miles from the DMZ zone and would make frequent courier runs to the DMZ usually on Sundays. During the week Charles worked at the SCIF (Secured Compartmental Information Facility)