Day: June 17, 1979
Charles J Kleiber (James Dad) Graduates High School
James’ Dad graduated high school way back in 1979, he remembers walking almost a mile to class most days until he got his drivers license and car, then his first speeding ticket in that order. In his senior year, James’ Dad would open up “Leo’s Fruit Market” on Van Born road each morning at 6am, then go to gym class which he arranged to be his first class so he could shower after work.
Many great times at this school, working on floats, going to football games (our team was 1-10 senior year or something like that), and of course learning. Dad took his first electricity class while at Annapolis which would end up being his chosen field (sort of, actually electronics engineer but in order to do electronics you have to do electricity first) during the military and civilian life.
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