Natalie Dunberger Born 1979

According to our account (which is run by her second cousin James), Natalie Marie Dunberger was born in 1979, the daughter of Pat and Mark. She married William Arthur Kelly on November 5, 2000, in Clark, Nevada. They had three children during their marriage. She has one brother and one sister.

Natalie served in the military as well, her path was a little different because she went to the Marines (I think everyone else was army, guess thats why they call them “the few”). We are all very proud of Natalie and her service to this country, especially during a war.

Natalie was married while in the service but unfortunately her husband was killed in a traffic accident (non military related). This was a shock for everyone to attend a funeral for someone so young. Natalie currently is going to school part time while supporting her family as well.

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