Pegs 21st Birthday 1967

The twenty first birthday is very special in everyones life as you are no longer considered a child by any stretch of the imagination, twenty one means you are grown up and it does not matter what state you are in, you are an adult.

Once again, the ever popular picture by the pine tree was taken. The pine tree and blue spruce tree would eventually grow so enormous that you could literally have your picture taken underneath the branches as we had to clear out the lower branches to make the trees look better.

Eventually in the 90’s the trees were removed and to this date there is a proverbial dip in the grass at those locations, despite the lawn being resodded and leveled several times since.

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James Dad Begins Kindergarten 1967

The night before starting school there was a card party on the back porch and I remember going back there and telling my Mom I could not sleep because I was nervous about school. Really there was nothing to be nervous about and when you think about it you never really leave school, you continue to learn every day.

Kindergarten was at the relatively new Eton school at the time. I remember this was the year I got the chicken pox and missed a field trip to a farm. Other than a trip or two to the office to see the principle there was not much else outstanding that happened in kindergarten. Since this is part of the Annapolis school system I am including with the Annapolis files.