Ken Selvia Serves Military 1963 – 1969

Kenny Selvia (future husband of Criss) joined the military in 1963 until 1969. He was in the Riverine task force patrolling the Mekong Delta.

The Mobile Riverine Force combined the 2d Brigade of Army’s 9th Infantry Division with the Navy’s Riverine Assault Force (Task Force 117) to conduct combat operations along the waterways of the Mekong Delta. A large percentage of the Mekong Delta was under water depending on the season which is why both Army and Navy forces were needed. How much of the Mekong Delta is under water is dependent on the season and rainfall at any particular time.

The Mekong Delta also proved to the U.S. army that their small boat force was still needed as the U.S. military since World War 2 had phased out the smaller ships in favor of larger ones. The Mekong Delta Mobile Riverine Force concept paired newly created assault boat units with a brigade of Army infantry.

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