Story – Camp Dearborn Paddle Boats by Aunt Peg 1959

Camp Dearborn-oh does that take me back in time. We were living on Sherwood ct, in Dearborn, when Major Hubbard decided to buy land and make a park for all the people of Dearborn to enjoy. Our Dads boss Mr Hayford wanted his family and our family to go to camp Dearborn for a week or two. The first time we went there it seemed like a ride to the end of the earth. There were no expressways or freeways, they were not made as of yet. We did get there and it was beautiful two large gates Dad drove the car through and saw a huge sign Welcome to Camp Dearborn.

Some things in the park were too far to walk to so Mom drove us kids to the Paddle boats. For fifty cents we could ride for an hour. Chris and I were in one boat and boy was it nice. The first time on a boat that we made go with are feet. Each boat had a number on it and when the man on dock called out your number you had to go in the ride was over. Our number was called. We headed in to the dock we were right in front of the dock so we stopped with our feet, that’s when the boat moved back and now we were away from the dock again. Chris my sister said I will climb on the front of the boat and grab the line and hop onto the dock and pull the boat in. Sounded good, but Chris forgot to grab the line. My sister made it to the dock jumping up and down that she made it. Meanwhile I’m trying to paddle but kept going in circles. I stopped I saw Mom on the Dock now and she wasn’t happy at all. I guess she got angry that the men on dock wouldn’t help little girls. I know she said a few choice words for them. One Guy got into a motor boat and came out to get me as I was in the middle of the lake by now. He grabbed the line and the boat and I were in tow. Needless to say that was my first and last time on the paddle boats with my sister.

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